Legal Notice

The website is managed and owned by the company TPE under Siret number 98128961400019 , located at 6 Bourg de Caillau, 33750, Beychac et Caillau, France .

The development of the site was carried out by the company TPE under number Siret 98128961400019.

The site host is the company Shopify.

For all contact: PGeneric

All elements present on the site and the site itself are protected by copyright, trademark law, designs and models and any other intellectual property rights.

By elements, we mean in a non-exhaustive manner: photographs, images, drawings, illustrations, texts, videos, logos, brands, models, software, etc. These elements belong to the site .

In accordance with current provisions regarding individual property, all creations (including images, names and texts) appearing on this site may not be copied, reproduced or used for commercial purposes without written permission and prior permission of their author, of whom it remains the exclusive property.